Losing Weight After Delivery

Weight loss after pregnancy is not generally a problem but just how much weight you can lose depends on many things. Obviously just how much you lose after the birth will depend on how much the baby weighs and that of the amniotic fluid and placenta.

As the uterus shrinks back down to its normal size and your hormone levels continue to fall, you will lose weight as most women gain at least 7 pounds of fat during pregnancy. The reason for this fat is because it is an energy source used to help feed the baby but weight loss after pregnancy will depend on the mother's diet, physical lifestyle and genetic makeup.

After all, it did take nine moths to put the weight on and you cannot expect to lose it all overnight but having said that some women are fortunate enough to lose almost all of this weight within a matter of months after the birth. Often the last few pounds are the hardest to lose and that may be because the body often holds onto a little weight to ensure the baby has sufficient milk but even this is not a certainty as every woman experiences this differently.

The good news is that with a solid nutritional program and with moderate exercise, you can expect to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy within a reasonable time frame. The truth is that a large proportion of mothers will in fact have their old weight and figure back within that first year if they maintain a good exercise regime and healthy diet. A small number of women will annoy many other mothers and have their pre-pregnancy figure back in under three months.

What it is not taken into account is the number of physical changes that happen to woman once she has given birth and will alter some things she may have taken for granted. In order to lose weight after pregnancy both safely, and effectively; a new mother should undertake a program of slow and steady dieting along with exercise that will produce long-term beneficial results.

Another aspect of taking your weight loss after pregnancy slowly is because you may need a little additional weight to ensure there is sufficient energy to feed and take care of the baby. A mother's metabolic rate and hormone levels prior to the pregnancy will gradually return over a period of about 6 months but it is always worth remembering that giving birth can cause permanent changes.

Let us not forget that a pregnant mother can gain anything form twenty five to thirty five pounds but can lose up to fourteen when the baby is born. With perhaps another twenty pounds or more to lose the mother should follow the previous steps and attempt to lose the weight slowly but steadily within the following six to eight months.