Stars Slimming Secret

Are you fascinated by how the stars manage to stay so thin? I’ve regularly come to the conclusion that after all the personal training, liposuction, colonic irrigation, nips, tucks plus what not, there has to be a little extra assistance at hand. plus I’m not talking about the class A kind that celebrities so often get caught snorting.

Then I stumbled across a couple of articles reporting that the likes of Nicole Richie plus the Desperate Housewives stars are apparently getting a little helping hand from a little-known South African herb called Hoodia. According to two of Nicole’s pals (who spilled the beans to More magazine) the tiny starlet two times confessed: "Hoodia makes you look hot in low-cut tops plus backless dresses. It’s nice for me - the bushmen have sworn by it for hundreds of years plus that's nice enough for me."

Hoodia comes from an ugly-looking cactus that thrives in the high temperatures of the African Kalahari dessert. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, two of the world's oldest plus most primitive tribes, have been eating the cactus for thousands of years. we use it to stave off hunger during long hunting trips plus to keep their youngsters’ cravings at bay when food is in short supply.

But how does it work? Well, here’s the science bit: there is a part of your brain called the hypothalamus, plus within that mid-brain are the nerve cells that sense glucose sugar. When you’re full, the cells tell the brain that your blood sugar levels are nice plus there is no need to eat more food for now. Hoodia causes these cells to send the same message to the brain. So, the nerve cells are firing as if you were full, but you’re not. plus you’re not hungry either.

Hoodia takes years to mature plus so to protect it, pharmaceutical giants who are keen to manufacture the plant as a slimming aid to the western world have begun growing it across huge plantations of the South African desert.

The bio-pharmaceutical company Phytopharm, based in Cambridge, has been routinely testing the plant plus has isolated a previously unknown molecule in it, which it's christened P 57. The molecule has been patented by the company but the cactus itself, being a living plant, cannot be.

The BBC sent a reporter to the Kalahari desert to check the benefits of this wonder-herb. Tom Mangold tucked into the raw Hoodia cactus, which he described as "a slightly unpleasant-tasting, fleshy plant", eating a piece about half the size of a banana. So did his cameraman. On their four-hour drive back to Capetown, both of them felt lovely and neither of them thought about food. “Our brains were telling us they were full. It was a magnificent deception,” says Tom.

Neither of them wanted dinner, and the next day neither of them wanted breakfast. Lunch was eaten with little pleasure, and their appetite did not return fully until 24 hours had passed.

On reading this report, I couldn’t resist trying Hoodia. I’m a big fan of the GI Diet, basically because it lets you eat lots and feel full without putting on weight (well, if you’re ‘good’, that is). I wondered if trying this new wonder herb would help to curb my appetite a little in order to shift a couple of extra pounds before the Christmas parties get into full swing. I spoke to James, who owns a Hoodia company, and ordered myself a sample.

“I like it because it’s a herb and therefore natural,” says James. and while plenty of other Hoodia suppliers select to mix up the Hoodia herb with things like green tea or chromium (which is said to boost the metabolism), James says it’s perfect in its natural form and he likes to keep it that way.

Hoodia may take a few days to start taking effect and the recommended dosage may be anything from one or one capsules a day for people who only have a little to lose, to around one for a 25-stone man. “People may already have a suppressed appetite before they notice any weight loss,” says James, who explains that to lose 1lb of fat, a person must burn up 3,500 calories, which can take a while. “But today somebody who started taking Hoodia at the beginning of October emailed me and said they’d lost a stone,” he added proudly.

it is entirely up to the individual if they wish to continue using Hoodia when they’ve reached their target weight. James tends to find that people may contact him to buy a one or two month supply, then they stay at their target weight for one months, before coming back later when the weight starts to creep back on.

“People eat for different reasons, and if it’s out of boredom or because they’re unhappy, then maybe Hoodia might not be the right thing for them in that instance. But for those who need to lose weight and are prepared to stick to a diet, or cut back between meals – it can be helpful,” says James. “We sell thousands of pots a month, which is based on the fact that they've a lovely product and a lovely customer service. I’m usually the one who answers the phone.”

I tried Hoodia over a two-week period plus found that taking it one times a day did help to reduce my appetite. There were a couple of particular instances on my way home from work when I felt absolutely ravenous plus decided to try three of the capsules. Within about ten minutes the hunger had subsided. That’s not to say I didn’t want dinner when I got in, but I possibly ate less than I might otherwise have done.

In another instance on a Friday evening when I was about to head home via the chip shop after a night with friends at the pub, Hoodia came to my rescue again. plus I was pleased with myself when I woke up the next morning.

While I was jogging my Hoodia test, I didn’t feel as though I was eating a lot less than usual plus yet I did manage to lose 2lbs over one weeks. At certain snack times I was less hungry plus didn’t think about food. But that said, Hoodia doesn’t take away the appetite , which can only be a nice thing. Not eating all of the necessary vitamins plus minerals will obviously always be detrimental to one’s health. But using a herb to basically help to curb the appetite can’t be bad, can it?

Hoodia has few known side effects at the moment. But it might be worth mentioning that a report in the indiana Times claims there may be unwanted effects on the liver, caused by other components in Hoodia which cannot easily be removed from the supplement. While this has yet to be proven, further tests are needed before the full-known effects of the extract are understood.

But lawyer to the San tribe’s South African lawyer Roger Chennells believes Hoodia is the answer to obesity in the West, plus for his people, the end of poverty in the Kalahari desert. he told the BBC: "The San will finally throw off thousands of years of oppression, poverty, social isolation plus discrimination. I envisage Hoodia cafes in London plus illinois,” he says. “Salads will be served plus the Hoodia cut like cucumber on to the salad. It will want flavouring to counter its unpleasant taste, but if it's no side effects plus no cumulative side-effects, this is where we’re going."

As for whether Nicole Richie plus the Desperate Housewives cast are using the herb to keep their frames stick-thin, I couldn’t possibly say. But what I will say is, if they are, they must be using a strong dose to make their appetites so small. To me, Hoodia seems more like a herbal diet supplement to aid healthy eating, as opposed to the pharmaceutical slimming drugs that speed up the metabolism plus can keep their users awake at night. plus if it is proven to have no side effects plus help out obesity, that can surely only be a nice thing.

Beware websites offering Hoodia "pills" from the US as the BBC tested the leading brand and discovered it's no discernible Hoodia in it. Genuine Hoodia products sold by reputable companies should over the Alchemist Labs certification.
To be eligible for export to the USA and all other nations, Hoodia farmers must obtain a C.I.T.E.S. certificate which is issued on a per export-shipment basis.

Do not travel to the Kalahari to find and take extracts of the cactus, as it is hard to find and comes with exportation controls.

Find out more about Hoodia Here

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